January is National Radon Action Month. The EPA has designated January to be National Radon Action Month to help reduce your family’s risk of lung cancer. In partnership with the EPA, we have created a Radon Resolution.
This Radon Resolution contains four simple things your family can do to help reduce your risk of lung cancer & raise awareness about Radon exposure.
1) The first thing in our Radon Resolution is to test your home. Since Radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas, the only way to know if your home has radon is to have it tested. If you have high levels, it is possible to reduce them by having a radon mitigation system installed.
2) Go to a National Radon Action Month Event that is being hosted in your area. Look for radon events going on around your community. If you can’t find any, consider setting one up! Talk to your local health department about ways to get involved.
3) Spread the word. Tell your friends and family about the health risks associated with radon. Tell them about the importance of testing their homes. Send a letter to the editor, sharing with others about the dangers of radon. Use social media to get the word out!
4) If you are in the market for a new home, consider purchasing a radon resistant home. There are many builders that specialize in building green, and can help construct preventative measures right into your home.
Radon is something that should be taken very seriously. It is a radioactive gas that does not discriminate. By taking the Radon Resolution, you may not only be keeping your own family safe, but you could be helping to save somebody else’s life. Start the New Year off right this January & take the Radon Resolution.