Believe it or not, there are still people who do not think Radon is anything to worry about. Through all of the EPA campaigns, and the American Lung Association warnings about lung cancer & radon, people put off radon testing their homes.
The reality is radon is something to worry about. It needs to be taken very seriously. While there are no immediate health risks associated with radon, the long-term risks can be deadly. It is proven that radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers. Radon testing is the only way to know if you have a radon problem because it is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas. Know that radon poses a real health risk to you and your family.
Many people have a “not me” mentality. Through radon testing, it was found 40% of Illinois homes tested high for radon in 2011. That is 2 in every 5 homes. In Kendall County, those statistics are higher, with 52% of homes testing high. That means more than 1 out of every 2 homes have dangerous levels of radon. With only a 48% chance of it NOT being in your home, a “not me” attitude isn’t the best one to have.
The good news is radon testing is easy. It is inexpensive & effective. Radon testing should be done every two years or anytime you have any structural changes to your home. The results from radon testing can help you to determine whether or not you need a radon reduction system installed in your home.
If your house tests high, a mitigation system helps to remove the radon from your home, resulting in cleaner, healthier air. Do not be one of the 21,000 Americans who die each year as a result of radon induced lung cancer. Don’t hesitate any longer, schedule your radon testing for your home today!